The amazing stories of the last crew of Avro Lancaster ND424 PH-G
Photo Gallery
These are original photographs of the final crew of Avro Lancaster ND424.
Formal crew photograph from the Leslie Faircloth collection. Back row, left to right: Flight Sergeant J. S. J. Stephen (RAF), Warrant Officer R. E. Yates (RAAF), Sergeant H. D. Davies (RAF), Sergeant L. J. Faircloth. Front row, left to right: Warrant Officer 2 J. Sonshine (RCAF), Pilot Officer M. A. Guilfoyle (RAF), Sergeant D. F. Jordin (RAF). (RCAF is Royal Canadian Air Force and RAAF is Royal Australian Air Force).The Crew of ND424 in flying gear with a tail gun turret behind them. Back row, left to right: Bob Yates, Les Faircloth, David Davies and Mike Guilfoyle. Front row, left to right: Joe Sonshine, John Stephen and Doug Jordin. Leslie Faircloth collection. The crew of ND424 in their flying gear at the tail of a Lancaster. Back row, left to right: Mike Guilfoyle, David Davies, John Stephen, Les Faircloth and Joe Sonshine. Front row, left to right: Bob Yates and Doug Jordin. Leslie Faircloth collection. Joe Sonshine looking very smart in Front of Block No. 6 at RAF Wickenby. Leslie Faircloth collection. Joe Sonshine, Doug Jordin & John Stephen in Front of Block No. 6 at RAF Wickenby. Leslie Faircloth collection. Les Faircloth, Joe Sonshine, Doug Jordin & Bob Yates trying to hitch a lift on a very quiet Lincolnshire country road. Leslie Faircloth collection. Joe Sonshine, Bob Yates, Les Faircloth & Doug Yates relaxing in the hay. Leslie Faircloth collection. Bob Yates, Les Faircloth, Joe Sonshine & David Davies with Joe’s American Football Jersey. Leslie Faircloth collection. Doug Jordin in the rear turret of a Lancaster (ND424?). Doug Jordin collection. Doug Jordin in his RAF uniform. Doug Jordin collection. Doug Jordin inside the rear turret with some ground crew. Doug Jordin collection. A well worn photograph of Megan and Leslie Faircloth. Leslie Faircloth collection. Leslie Faircloth in ‘plain clothes’. This may be the ID photograph they carried on operations. Leslie Faircloth collection. Leslie Faircloth in his RAF uniform with Air Gunner insignia above his medal ribbons so after his escapades in 1944. Leslie Faircloth collection. Leslie’s RAF Air Gunner badge given to me by his younger brother Bill. Image Paul Faircloth.