I found some interesting information about navigator Sgt. Maurice Garlick of 12 Squadron who was shot down on 3 May 1944 on our crews first operation. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. Another look at Avro Lancaster Mk. VII NX665 in New Zealand.
I had another look at Avro Lancaster Mk. VII NX665 at the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) in Auckland, New Zealand. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. Encounter with Avro Anson Mk.1 MH120 in New Zealand.
I had an unexpected encounter with the worlds only flying Avro Anson Mk.1 in New Zealand. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. Navigation Charts & Logs found at the IBCC Digital Archive.
I have found Navigation Charts and Logs for 9 operations flown by our crew at the IBCC Digital Archive. They were donated by F/O A. R. ‘Ronald’ Witty who was the navigator in the crew of pilot F/S G. F. ‘Fred’ Holbrook DFC of 12 Squadron.. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. 79 Years Since the Final Operation of Lancaster ND424 .
It is 79 years since the final operation of Avro Lancaster ND424 PH-G of 12 Squadron, Bomber Command. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. New Volume of Luftwaffe Nachjagd Combat Archive.
A new volume of the Luftwaffe Nachtjagd Combat Archive for the Eastern Front and Mediterranean now out. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. Luftwaffe records for RAF Wickenby found at the IWM.
On the Imperial War Museum (IWM) archive I found Luftwaffe records about ‘Wickenby Flugplatz’ (Wickenby Airfield). Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. New information about Leslie’s flight from Gibraltar to the UK.
New information has been received about Leslie’s flight in a Dakota from Gibraltar to Whitchurch near Bristol. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. New records found at the National Archive
New records relating to the ND424 crew have been found at the UK National Archive in Kew. Press NEWS for details.
NEWS. E-mail from Texas – Updated 14th July 2022
I have added the names of the RAF cadet pilots on Course 11 in 1942 to this NEWS item, originally posted on 27 July 2020. Press NEWS for details.